Training in a professional institution has always been an exciting and important choice for the education and future career of any individual. The Garoua Fauna School (EFG), whose premises cover an area of 24 ha, offers this opportunity to students of both sexes, from all walks of life, who are interested or who wish to work in the field of conservation and conservation. management of wildlife and protected areas. This essentially technical and professional training is, to this day, conducted in French. The city of Garoua which houses our institution is located in the north of the Republic of Cameroon. It was on August 24, 1970 that a presidential decree created the EFG. Indeed, this legal act was the culmination of a long process of recommendations made by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) between 1961 and 1963, followed by negotiations between the French-speaking countries of Africa. The agreement between Cameroon and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) relating to the construction and maintenance of the buildings to house the School, led to the implementation of the pilot phase of the experimental training of specialists in wildlife management in Garoua from 1970 to 1972. Since its creation, changes have taken place in terms of both the content and the duration of EFG training from 1970 to 1987. We went from a 9-month schooling focused mainly on teaching natural sciences and legislation, to a 21-month training in which aspects of sustainable management of natural resources and integration of conservation development have been taken into account. In 1997, and with a view to the advent of the higher cycle, a profound change took place at the level of teaching. Indeed modular training has been introduced; it included 45 units of value distributed in 10 modules. This was the way things went until 2003. In order to implement training at all levels as prescribed by the founding text of the EFG. The Strategic Plan (2004-2014) had been drawn up with the participation of all staff and students. Since 2004 the number of modules has increased from 10 to 13. In the same vein, the release of the first vintage of the post-graduate cycle took place in June 2008. This high-level cycle was intended for professionals who wished to specialize in the field of biodiversity and more specifically in the management of fauna and protected areas to meet the long-expressed demands of French-speaking African countries. A training of trainers for this cycle took place in 2004 at the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) of the University of Leyden in the Netherlands. Said training was divided into four phases: A Starter Course at the Ecole de Faune to gauge the level of participants in the subject, a Theoretical Course at CML, a Study Tour in Southern or East Africa, and a Refresher Course at Cameroon (often in forest areas). The new EFG Strategic Plan, currently being validated (2014-2024), emphasizes finding solutions to new issues of conservation and sustainable management of natural resources. This requires the training of a greater number of African executives, the development of new training modules and cycles, the improvement and establishment of continuing and specialized training, the development of self-financing projects, the development action research, setting up an Alumni network and capacity building for teaching and administrative staff. We are hopeful that this will confirm the EFG as a pole of excellence and performance in the French-speaking area of Sub-Saharan Africa for training and research in the management of biodiversity and protected areas for sustainable development. . To date, the EFG has trained 1128 Managers from 22 African countries and two European countries (initial training), and more than 100 staff from various backgrounds (continuing training). All these executives are active in their respective countries and occupy various positions of responsibility in the sector of the Environment, Forests, Fauna, Fisheries and especially the management of Protected Areas. Following its strategic development and the advent of the higher cycle, the EFG has turned towards broadening its scope of collaboration with other, especially higher education structures, economic operators and NGOs in the field; which implicitly calls for the development and modernization of its infrastructure and the improvement of its performance. As part of the modernization of its structures and teaching, five departments are in the process of being set up, in particular the Departments of "Botany and Development of the Habitat of Fauna", of "Ornithology, Wetlands and Taxidermy" , "Forest Policy and Governance and Participatory Management of Natural Resources", "Mammalogy and Wildlife Management" and a "Communication" unit. This will make it possible to increase the performance of teachers so that they are able to respond effectively to the challenges of setting up a Professional Masters program in Protected Areas Management (MGAP) long requested by professionals in the countries of French speaking Africa. The final validation of this MGAP program is underway and negotiations will soon have to start with a University through sponsorship, payable as part of higher studies in Cameroon. To meet these challenges, the contribution of all partners is desired. I take this opportunity to salute international cooperation and thank EFG's partners, as well as all the actors who have contributed to the accomplishment of its mission since its creation. I invite the former partners (UNESCO, UNDP, IUCN, FAO, Germany, Japan, England, the Netherlands, China) to relaunch their support for the modernization and implementation of the new Strategic Plan for EFG (2014-2024), as well as new and potential partners (RIFFEAC, PACEBCO, USFWS, Fonds Commun / MINFOF, WWF, GIZ, IUCN, COMIFAC, RAPAC, BAD, Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation) and countries Africans to provide us with their material, technical and financial support and to continue to trust us for the training of their executives. Your problems of shortage of competent executives are our reason for being. Welcome to the Garoua Fauna School! Dr Bobo Kadiri Serge
The training is subdivided into five semesters. Each semester has several modules. Each module has 2 to 7 value units. A unit of value (UV) is made up of coherent teaching lasting from 20 to 60 hours including theory, practical work, tutorials, and field trips.
At least one knowledge check is made during the course of a credit unit. At the end of each module, students are assessed on the units of value making up the module. Each student must absolutely validate his module with a system of compensation between the units of value. Modules on knowledge acquisition are defined as prerequisite modules and have a weight of 1, while those focusing on management and planning have a weight of 1.5. Current module assessments count for 50% A unit of value (UV) of 20 hours has a coefficient of 1, that of 40 hours a coefficient 2 and coefficient 3 for that of 60 hours
Student recruitment takes place every year. Candidates are proposed by user departments, according to the quotas granted by the School However, final registration is done after examination of the candidate's file by the institution and confirmation of the source of funding. The composition of the said file is as follows: - a registration request - a copy of birth certificate - a certified copy of the required diploma - a curriculum vitae - a medical certificate - a certificate of the source of funding for the training All candidates must be 40 years of age at most on September 1 of the year of recruitment and demonstrate a certain level of education: Baccalaureate of secondary education or equivalent for cycle "B" and 2 years of vocational training (this vocational training of at least two years is strongly recommended) Undergraduate Studies Certificate (BEPC) with an attestation of the 1st class or the equivalent for the "c" cycle with 2 years of professional training. Due to many trips to the field, candidates must be in good physical health. Pregnant women are not admitted. Classes are given exclusively in French.Il est vivement suggéré aux différents pays de procéder à une sélection rigoureuse des candidats en respectant les conditions d’admission pour éviter des échecs. Toutefois, l’Ecole se réserve le droit de refuser les candidats qui ne remplissent pas ces conditions à leur arrivée à Garoua.
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